Thursday, June 20, 2013

Unit 1 Assessment - Civil Engineering & Architecture

My unit for Civil Engineering & Architecture focuses on the history of civil engineering & architecture, different architectural styles, and how to become a civil engineer or architect. It takes approximately two months for this unit which starts at the beginning of the school year.


Formative Assessment #1

Formative Assessment #2

Summative Assessment

** I created these assessments in Word, however, when I uploaded them to Google Drive, some of the formatting became messed up even though it still looks fine on the Word documents.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Action Research - New

Action Research Question:

In what ways will implementing a electronic technology-supported learning environment increase student achievement motivation and engagement in a high school classroom?

Using technology in the classroom:
Teacher iPad
Google Docs

Saturday, June 1, 2013


  1. I will complete MEd assignments at least three days before the assignment is due
  2. I will practice using Google Docs and search iPad apps that I can use in my classroom one time each week
  3. I will create my CEA and IED calendars for the entire school year by the end of the summer
  4. I will read 6 books this summer:  2 about teaching, 2 non-fiction (self-help), 2 fiction
  5. I will exercise 4 times per week by biking, walking, hiking, or kayaking
  6. I will take my kids to see a new place or do a new thing two times per month