Saturday, May 18, 2013

Backward Design

What are the features, examples, and non-examples of Understanding by Design (UBD):
Not a philosophy or approach to teaching
It is a planning framework
More goal focused and effective
Being prepared to where you want to end up
Knowing where I want to end up
Focus on long term goals and embed in short term plans
Content and performance
Better engage learners
Prevents misalignment between short term plan and long term goals
Desired and actual results
Help kids gain proactive control of the situation and develop a long-term goal
Start with long term goal and then do assessing (not grading) and what occurs in the classroom

How would you define UBD in six words or less?
Thinking long-term and applying to short-term

What do you see as benefits and challenges to this system?
Difficult to think backwards
Sometimes it's hard to look big picture
Gives a clear picture/road map of where I need to go
Requires me to be effective in my teaching
Makes me question everything I teach; does it apply to the long-term goal

In what ways has small and large group discourse enhanced your understanding of UBD?
Helps me know where I need to go with my unit design
Only have 3 enduring understandings
Add actual standards in the content area
Essential questions lead to my enduring understanding

Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions

Scaffold my way up the above list

Enduring understanding transfers to different contents

What perplexing questions do you have about UBD?
How does this apply to each unit? Can I tie it all together?
Do I list all vocab for the unit?

What is my goal?
Increase student understanding of what civil engineers and architects do

What does it look like when my goal is achieved?
Students do well on end-of-year course assessment
Students are engaged in class
Students can answer questions and participate in activities and projects

What does it look like in my classroom as that goal is being achieved?
Students complete activities and projects
Students answer reflection questions
Students have discussions with each other providing good examples, comments, and feedback

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