Sunday, January 5, 2014

DI - Assessment

I got this link from my critical friend. It has some great ideas on differentiating for assessments. Since I teach a project-based, elective class, I want to try to implement some of the ideas from the video but am not sure how to do it. I love the idea of getting away from exam and also inviting parents in to see what their students are learning, but I'm intimidated by some of the logistics:  when would the parents come in, how can I make sure all parents are able to come in, what type of problem would I give the students, do I have enough time to implement it during the school year, etc . . .  help!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a passionate teacher and amazing real-world way to test his students learning. I wonder how I could incorporate this idea at the elementary level? We have the science fair each year but I wonder how I could make presentations like this to enhance the units I teach. Like you I am curious about the logistics of it all. He only teaches this one class it sounds like, how many students is this? My thought is to have students present to other classes. When I was in middle school we would decorate the room to represent the inside of a cell. Then have younger classes go through as my students explain each part on their walk through. I have also done something similar to deer heart and frog dissections. The students prepare for a real-world presentation and the younger students get very excited about what is happening in your room. Making them look forward to when it is their turn to do this.
