Tuesday, November 19, 2013

AGAPE - Relationships (Have Dots and Have Nots)

Zoe is a student in my 9th grade Introduction to Engineering class. She is also a student in the AVID program. She is very organized, sits in the front of the class, listens attentively, and is very polite. However, she does not interact with any of her classmates. She comes into my class before the bell and sits and reads until class starts. During class, she gets her work done, and that's it. She is a model student except that she is very quiet and doesn't interact with anyone else. I am a little surprised that she is taking my class since we do many group projects.

1. What actions am I taking?
I have been talking to Zoe at the beginning of classes to get to know her better. I asked her questions about the book she was reading this week. Today, I looked at her work and looked through her organized binder and talked about helping her with an assignment.

2. What impact am I having?
I feel like I am getting to know her a little better. It's a little challenging for me since she is very quiet.

3. What questions are being generated?
How do I get her to interact more with other students? I think I need to do some group/pairing work so she can work on her skills of talking and working with others.

What other ways can I get to know Zoe better?

Why is she in my class - is she interested in engineering? Are her parents engineers? Does she want to become an engineer?

December 19:
1. What actions am I taking?
I've been continually interacting with Zoe in the classroom.

Zoe is in the Avid program. I plan to observe her in one of her Avid classes after Winter break to see her in a different classroom setting. I couldn't get it scheduled before Winter break starts. This will also give me the opportunity to see an Avid classroom and to see how I can help support the learning in that classroom.

2. What impact am I having?
Zoe has become more talkative with me and with other students. I see her interacting with other students more which is so good to see.

3. What questions are being generated?
What else can I do for Zoe, or should I move on to another student who needs more help at this time.

I read this article about giving feedback to students. It's a quick read and provides 19 words that we should say to each student when giving feedback. Although this doesn't completely apply to building relationships, it still has an impact on students' performance when giving them feedback and talking to them.

These are the 19 words we should say when giving feedback:

I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.


Feb 14, 2014:
This is sometimes harder than I think. I feel like class flies by, and I haven't had the chance to connect with Zoe. She missed the entire week of finals and then was trying to catch up at the beginning of 2nd semester. I was supportive with her and helped her with her assignments and making up her final. However, I struggle with the personal side of it. I talked to her Avid teacher about attending her Avid class, but unfortunately, it's the same time that I teach. I'll keep thinking of ideas to make connections with her.

I would like to switch my efforts to a different student in my 9th grade class. We are struggling with our relationship this year. I don't think he enjoys coming to class, and he continually acts out in class. Next week, I want to talk to some other teachers about how to connect with him.


  1. Jodi - I love how you generated all sorts of questions that you could ask this student to try and get to know her better. You might find some great connections. I also notice how you think you might be able to help her form more relationships by intentionally creating groups for her to be in. That takes pressure off of students having to form their own groups.

  2. Jodi - I read your comment/post and couldn't agree more with your thoughts. There are always students that fly under the radar and it can be very difficult to connect with these students. Did you find that the "I AM" video helped with your relationships? I was thinking that I could comment on each students video (Not grade related) with a comment and question to help connect. I would love to hear your thoughts!
